Pfc Shane M. Reifert

Pfc Shane M. Reifert
Shane during a sweep of the Shuryak Valley, approximately 3 weeks before he was killed. Photo Credit: PFC Sean Stromback

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Memories of Shane

If anyone would like to share memories of Shane, or write a message for him, please feel free to do so under this post.  

I don't know quite where he is in the universe, but I know he can still feel all of the love that everyone has for him.  



  2. In my home, Shane was the hero long before he ever thought of joining the army - long before he shot a gun - and long before this war had begun. You see, Shane had two young cousins who couldn't get enough of him. If Shane had it or did it, it MUST be cool. If a family event was happening, the first question was always "Will Shane be there?" They followed Shane around to the point of exhaustion. But he never minded. He was always happy to see them and entertained them with his stories of gaming, paintball, and music. As they grew up it became difficult for them to show how excited they were to see him, but I knew it.
    Fourth of July 2009 we had a picnic at our house. Alex and Nicholas were so excited to see everyone. They asked if they could put the ping-pong table in the yard. I know, crazy, but I let them. Th pictures of Shane, Jamie, Alex, and Nicholas playing ping-pong in the yard has always made me smile but now mean more to me than ever.
    I am thankful for the time the boys had with Shane. He modeled integrity, courage, and bravery and although not as obvious as when they were little boys, they were watching. This home will forever be saddened by the loss of this special young man. I love you Shane!
    Aunt Lori

  3. My condolences to you, your family, friends and fellow warriers of this brave soldier.

    Shane, Welcome home, may you now rest in peace after your ultimate sacrafice for this country.

    A fellow veteran

  4. RIP PFC Reifert, you have done your duty well!!
    You are a true American HERO !!

    Annonymous combat veteran

  5. Hi Elizabeth!

    While I have never had the pleasure of meeting your brother, my daughter was in class when you and Shane walked in to surprise your mom on September 9th at the school. April said it was perhaps one of the most touching moments that she has ever witnessed, and it brought her to tears. She was also given the opportunity to sit and talk with your brother for a few minutes, and she was so impressed with who he was and the love that he had for his country and his family.

    Your mother holds a special place in my heart as she has encouraged April with her writing so much this year. My daughter is no longer afraid to truly express her feelings in her writing, and I owe all of that to your mom. Her Creative Writing class has become a way for my daughter to unleash the things that are bothering her without fear of judgement. She needed a teacher to encourage her the way that your mother has!!

    While nothing that I can say will erase or ease your pain, I feel blessed knowing that my child had the opportunity to meet a truly wonderful man who was loved by so many. And that she was lucky enough to have someone (your mother) who would encourage her to write with emotion.

    We will be donating money towards the care packages that you are putting together, and our family would love to assist yours in putting them together, if you will allow us to do so.

    We are sending up lots of love and prayers for all of you as you deal with this tragedy. Know that Shane was a hero to many...including my daughter!!

    R.I.P. Shane - you are gone...but you will never be forgotten, and I know that you are watching over all of your family and friends and protecting them still!!

    Christy Pottenger

  6. So many memories of Shane.
    I can picture his special, sort of wry smile...

    Thanks for this blog.

  7. I remember Shane playing freshmen baseball with those crazy boys in his class. They were all so close and took great pride in who could do the funniest pranks.

    One day as I was hitting fungoes, Shane was catching for me and the rest of the group was in a pack formation trying to all catch a ball at the same time. I suggested to hit one into the group to try and scatter them. Shane of course agreed so the ball was hit in their direction on a line and everybody scattered except for three of them -- two holding onto one who got hit in the thigh.

    I thought Shane was going to lose it right there, his dry wit was always a great sense of joy to everybody around him.

  8. I had the pleasure of being with Shane when he got his first wild pheasant. My dog had not been out in over a year and was quite mis-behaving to put it mildly. We were willy nilly running all over fields as the dog was crazy chasing birds. The dog put a few up and we were shooting horribly but Shane got a bird that day.

    All that mattered is the 3 of us were out in the fields sharing a day away from it all.

  9. My deepest condolences to you and your family. I never had the pleasure of meeting Shane. My husband, Tony, is friends with your father and Shane. Tony would run up to your dad's store for "a few minutes" to grab something. He would return hours later, and tell me about the great conversations he would have with Kurt and Shane. Our hearts and prayers are with you all. If we can do anything for any of you, please do not hesitate to let us know.

    Shane, Thank you for serving our country, protecting our freedom, and for giving the ultimate sacrifice.

    Cheryl Albaceli

  10. My condolences to the Family of Shane. Shane gave the ultimate sacrafice for God, country and Family. I hope your days of sorrow get fewer. Celebrate Shanes life. Today and everyday Shane is saluted for his actions. Though our flag will fly low it is in honor of what he gave for us. We salute you.

  11. RIP Shane...Thank you for your sacrifice.

  12. Anonymous said...
    I graduated with Shane and can not believe that he is gone. I will always remember his sarcasm and "unique" sense of humor. I know that he died do something that he felt strongly about and loved, and I only hope that we all can be so lucky when our last day comes. *Serious Face*

  13. We are awesomely inspired that a grieving family would think of those brothers left behind in Afghanistan! Be Blest for you have surely blest others. Thanks for this opportunity. Remembering Shane and all Vets as tomorrow is VETERANS' DAY.

  14. RIP Shane.

    You wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of "Up to and Including My Life". I only wish it was not cashed...

    We thank you for your sacrifice and will honor you always.

    Prepare the final rally point for us. We will meet there.

    Another US Army Veteran from Cottrellville.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. shane you have been and always will be my friend. make sure you have a beer ready for me when i see you in valhalla.

    5th SFG
    75 RGT

  17. My dad just called and informed me of shane. I instantly remembered us as kids playing hockey on star-bypass and having sleep overs with Mike Lewis and Matt Fogal. We would spend hours playing golden eye on 64. Shane would always destroy everyone in the game. I remember one time we were at your house for another "sleep over" and I had just gotten my braces on. Your mom made us hot dogs for lunch but I couldn't finish mine because my teeth hurt too much. I kept a bite of a hot dog in my mouth for what seemed to be eternity trying to finish it, though the pain wouldn't allow me to. Everyone at the table was laughing and your mom made me mrs. grass soup. It's such a random memory, but still a memory of Shane and your family I'll always remember.

    Thanks for the memories, Shane "Moe" Reifert.

    Ryan Quader

  18. Beth, I am so sorry to hear about Shane's death. This blog is a beautiful way to allow others to share in this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your parents. Tim Milton

  19. Wish Heaven had a phone so I could hear your voice again.I thought of you today,but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday,and days before that too.I think of you in silence,I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, from which i'll never part.God has you in his arms,I have you in my heart.

  20. Oh, Shane. We were in grade school together. Grade school! Can you imagine! Would you even have remembered me, if I had picked up the phone to tell you I had joined the Army, too? I wish I knew the answer to that. I'm sorry we drifted away. I'm so glad you got to follow your dream, and I will always remember you. I hope I will be able to come say goodbye properly.

  21. I met Shane only once, years ago in Kurt's store. Father and son were in the process of building a rifle for Shane. I always remembered that, because I though at the time how cool it would have been to do something like that with my Dad, who died when I was 11. I actually ended up buying the exact same rifle from Kurt a little bit later. When I heard Shane had died it floored me, because I still thought of him as the polite, quiet middle schooler I had met that day. He died on the 20th anniversary of the day I shipped out for boot camp, the day I could have retired had I stayed in. I didn't know him well but now I have another reason to remember that day.

    Kurt and family, I am so sorry for your loss. This war has been going on for so long and with such a relatively small percentage of our population of young men, and now young women, that it has the potential to drift to the back of people's mind until something horrible happens. I hope you guys are ok, and that time will ease your pain. Much respect to your son and all of those who continue the fight.

  22. We were devastated to hear that Shane was killed in action. We would like to thank you for the service he provided to our country and the loss that your family has suffered. This country will forever be in your debt. While no amount of gratitude can fill the void of losing your son, if there is anything we can do for you and your family, please let us know.

    Jeff & Stephanie Freshney

  23. Shane was my little yearbook buddy. I got to greet him at the door of his mom's classroom every day when his 8th grade class let out next door. The greeting was always the same "Good afternoon, Shane! How was your day?" I think it embarrassed him at first, but after a while I'm pretty sure he liked it :) We had to figure out a way to get Shane in the yearbook since he spent every day in our classroom. We ended up using a picture of the two of us that was taken on the day that I escorted him around Cardinal Mooney when the 8th graders from Holy Cross got a chance to "visit" the school. Outside of his facebook page, I don't think I've seen him since graduating high school. The news of his death in Afghanistan came as quite a shock, particularly because I still think of him as this quiet 8th grader. My heart goes out to his sister, Beth and to his parents. Mrs. Reifert was more than just a teacher to me, the way that she was available to talk and to listen -- I can only assume that she was an even better mother to her children growing up. Thank you, Shane for your service to our country -- and each time I think of you from now on, I'll know without a doubt that you're having a great day.
